Jonathan Schacher


Doing Well By Doing Right: Social Entrepreneurship’s Rise And Impact

Social entrepreneurship is a growing movement where entrepreneurs strive to solve social and environmental issues while making a profit. This approach challenges the traditional notion that businesses exist solely to maximize profits. Jonathan Schacher says social entrepreneurs focus on creating sustainable solutions to societal problems.

The rise of social entrepreneurship can be attributed to various interconnected factors that have converged to create a fertile environment for this movement to flourish.

The Rise Of Social Entrepreneurship

The rise of social entrepreneurship can be attributed to various interconnected factors that have converged to create a fertile environment for this movement to flourish.

Changing Consumer Preferences

One of the key drivers of the rise of social entrepreneurship is the changing preferences of consumers. There is a growing awareness among consumers about social and environmental issues and an increasing demand for products and services that are ethically and sustainably produced. This shift in consumer preferences has created a market for businesses that prioritize social and environmental impact, driving the growth of social entrepreneurship.

Advancements In Technology

Another factor contributing to the rise of social entrepreneurship is the advancements in technology and communication. The internet and social media have made it easier for social entrepreneurs to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations, share ideas, and access resources. This has democratized the starting and scaling of social enterprises, making them more accessible to a wider range of people.

Increased Focus On Impact

There has been a noticeable shift in the business world towards a greater focus on impact. Businesses increasingly recognize the importance of generating profits and creating positive social and environmental outcomes. This shift has been partly driven by the realization that businesses cannot thrive in a world facing growing social and environmental challenges.

Supportive Ecosystem

A growing ecosystem of support organizations, such as incubators, accelerators, and impact investors, has also supported the growth of social entrepreneurship worldwide. These organizations provide social entrepreneurs with the resources, mentorship, and funding they need to start and scale their ventures.

Benefits Of Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship offers many benefits, both to the individuals involved and to society as a whole. Here are some of the key advantages:

Innovative Solutions To Social Issues

Social entrepreneurs are driven by a desire to solve pressing social and environmental problems. This motivation often leads to developing innovative solutions that can significantly impact society. These solutions can range from new products and services to new ways of organizing and delivering social services.

Positive Social And Environmental Impact

Perhaps the most significant benefit of social entrepreneurship is its potential to create positive social and environmental change. By addressing issues such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation, social entrepreneurs can help to improve the lives of individuals and communities and contribute to a more sustainable planet.

Empowerment Of Marginalized Communities

Social entrepreneurship often involves working with marginalized communities to address their issues. Social entrepreneurs can help break the cycle of poverty and marginalization by empowering these communities to control their destinies.

Economic Development

Social entrepreneurship can also contribute to economic development by creating jobs and stimulating local economies. By building businesses rooted in local communities and prioritizing social and environmental impact, social entrepreneurs can help create a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

Inspiration And Empowerment

Social entrepreneurs often serve as role models and sources of inspiration for others. By demonstrating that it is possible to combine business success with social and environmental impact, they can inspire others to follow in their footsteps and create positive change in their communities.

Sustainable Business Models

Social entrepreneurship is based on creating sustainable business models that generate revenue while creating social and environmental value. This focus on sustainability can help ensure social enterprises’ long-term viability, allowing them to continue making a positive impact for years.


In conclusion, social entrepreneurship is a powerful force for positive change in the world. By combining business acumen with a commitment to social and environmental impact, social entrepreneurs are demonstrating that it is possible to do well by doing right. As the movement continues to grow, it has the potential to drive innovation, create positive social change, and inspire others to follow suit.


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About Jonathan Schacher

Jonathan Schacher is the driving force behind Grupo Visión, a company he co-founded alongside his brothers, Geoffrey and Roderick.